Green Friendly Private Events

Experience our green friendly private event space. Perfect for every occasion, rent our space now for an unforgettable event. Enjoy stunning views with outdoor decks, tables and chairs, and a bar for food and drinks.

Elevate your Private Green Friendly Event with Amazing Views

Experience your private event with breathtaking views and luxurious amenities. We offer a  state-of-the art smoke lounge, event space overlooking Salamanca, outdoor deck for parties and social events, tables & chairs, plus a bar! – perfect for any small or large gathering. Elevate your special green occasion by booking with us today!

 Impressive Décor to set the Mood

Impressive décor to set the mood? We have it all! Delight in our modern and inviting lounge, featuring sleek furniture upholstered with high-end fabrics, to bring life into your event, and trendy lighting fixtures that will make everyone feel like they’re in a chic space. It’s perfect for any occasion – from weddings to birthday parties. Let us help you create the ambience of your dreams!

Book you’re special green event with us

Celebrate your special event with us today! Apollo Canna Co offers a luxurious and unique atmosphere for all your celebrations. Enjoy stunning views of Salamanca, access to our state-of-the art smoke lounge, tables & chairs to lease out, and experience great customer service. Come make memorable moments with us – book your green event now!


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